Category: apacheFtp failed to restart
ZENHOST Support Staff asked 7 years ago

You are trying to restart your server… and your FTP fails to start… or restart.

<pre># /scripts/restartsrv_pureftpd
Waiting for “pureftpd” to restart ………warn [restartsrv_base] The 'pureftpd' service's PID file '/var/run/' did not appear after 10 seconds.

…warn [restartsrv_base] The 'pureftpd' service's PID file '/var/run/' did not appear after 10 seconds.

<pre>Service Error The “pureftpd” service failed to start.</pre>
<pre>Startup Log
    Starting [  OK  ]
    Starting pure-authd:

pureftpd has failed. Contact your system administrator if the service does not automagically recover.</pre>


The reason for this error is that Pure-ftpd service doesn’t work with {CallUploadScript} set to (yes) in /etc/pure-ftpd.conf configuration file. That is because the pure-uploadscript service is not getting started while restarting the pure-ftpd service.

Run the following command via SSH for fix this issue:

# /usr/sbin/pure-uploadscript -B -r /etc/pure-ftpd.conf

Restart the service :

# /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd restart


And your service will restart succesfully